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New Brunswick Compliance

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Glisser, trébucher et chuter

Ce cours de formation en ligne Chutes, glissades et trébuchements a été conçu pour les employeurs, les superviseurs et travailleurs. Dans ce cours, nous passerons en revue les directives pour éviter et réduire les accidents tels que les chutes, glissades et trébuchements. Nous verrons aussi à quel point un milieu de travail propre et ordonné peut éviter bien des blessures.
From $14.50

Ground Disturbance Awareness

This Ground Disturbance Awareness online training course is designed for employees of pipeline companies and other utilities who undertake ground disturbance activities. Hitting existing buried facilities can cause a host of problems, in this course, you will learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
From $14.50

Ground Disturbance Level II

This Ground Disturbance Level II online training course is designed for supervisors in the pipeline and other utility companies, as well as in companies that undertake ground disturbance activities. Striking existing buried facilities can cause a number of problems. Learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
From $34.50

Hand Safety and Injury Prevention

This Hand Safety and Injury Prevention online training course was designed for workers in retail, construction, and industry. This course will review the different types of utility knives available, their uses, advantages, and disadvantages of each, how to maintain them, and how to work with them safely to avoid injuries to the hands and fingers.
From $14.50

Handling Angry and Hostile Customers

This Handling Angry and Hostile Customers online training course is designed for employees in a customer service role. Learning how to deal with angry customers is an important step for anyone working in a customer service role. Even organizations with excellent products or services are bound to have occasional run-ins with angry and hostile customers. A customer’s frustrations may not be directed at you, but it is up to you to defuse the situation and avoid losing their business. Learn to interact successfully with angry and hostile customers: defuse their anger; listen to their concerns and work with them to find win-win solutions.
From $19.50

Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training [Canada]

This Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training online training course is designed for Canadian employers and employees. Every work environment should be supportive of the productivity, dignity, and self-esteem of every employee. This means ensuring that your work environment is free from harassment, discrimination, and violence. This course will help you understand your role and responsibilities in ensuring a healthy workplace.

Health and Safety Awareness [Canada]

This Health and Safety Awareness online training course was designed for employers, supervisors, and workers. This course outlines key health and safety rights and responsibilities of different groups in the workplace, helps you identify the types of workplace hazards, outlines protective measures that should be taken to ensure everyone in a workplace is safe and how you can participate in the health and safety of your workplace.

Health and Safety in Federally Regulated Organizations (CLC II)

This Health and Safety in Federally Regulated Organizations (CLC II) online training course is designed for employers, managers, supervisors and employees in federally regulated organizations. Learn how the Canada Labour Code Part II and Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations provide a framework to prevent accidents, occurrences of harassment and violence and physical or psychological injuries and illnesses in the workplace.
From $24.50

Health and Safety Liability for Senior Executives [Canada]

This Health and Safety Liability for Senior Executives [Canada] online training course is designed for company CEOs, CFOs, directors and senior managers. In this course, you will learn about senior executives’ duties for protecting employees’ health and safety, which laws apply, who enforces them, how to demonstrate compliance, penalties for non-compliance and strategies for defense against charges.
From $24.50

Hot Work Safe Practices

This Hot Work Safe Practices online training course is designed for employees involved in hot work - i.e. any work using open flames or sources of heat that could ignite materials in the work area. Learners will be introduced to the fire triangle and other fire characteristics; safe work practices for hot work; roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved in hot work; and hot work permits.
From $14.50

Identification et évaluation des risques

Ce cours de formation en ligne Identification et évaluation des risques a été conçu pour les employeurs, les superviseurs et membres du comité de santé et de sécurité au travail. Chaque lieu de travail comporte des dangers et des risques. Dans ce cous, vous apprendrez à identifier les dangers et à évaluer les risques sur votre lieu de travail et à protéger la sécurité et la santé des travailleurs en mettant en place des contrôles pour réduire ou éliminer les dangers.
From $14.50

Identifying Hazards and Assessing Risks

Every workplace has hazards and risks, some are minor, some are life- and property-threatening and many fall somewhere in between. This Identifying Hazards and Assessing Risks online training course will teach you to identify the hazards and assess risks in your workplace and learn to protect workers’ safety and health by putting controls in place to reduce or eliminate hazards.
From $14.50

Initiation à la sécurité à l'intention des jeunes travailleurs

Ce cours passe en revue ce que les jeunes travailleurs doivent savoir sur la législation en matière de santé et de sécurité. Il explique les droits et responsabilités au travail et les exigences des lois sur la santé et la sécurité pour les employeurs, les superviseurs et les travailleurs.
From $14.50

La sécurité au bureau

Ce cours de formation en ligne Sécurité au bureau a été conçu pour tous les employés de bureau. Ce cours vous aidera à réduire le risque de blessures au travail en prenant les mesures de précaution adéquates.
From $14.50

La sensibilisation à la santé et la sécurité

Ce cours décrit les droits et responsabilités clés des différents groupes sur le lieu de travail: les employeurs, les superviseurs et les travailleurs.

Ladder Safety

This Ladder Safety online training course is designed for employees in the workplace or anyone using a ladder. In this course, we will review features and safety tips for ladders in the workplace, set up and placement procedures, ladder inspection, and the role of the employee and the manager/supervisor in maintaining ladder safety.
From $14.50

Le cannabis et ses répercussions sur le milieu de travail

Ce cours de formation en ligne Le cannabis et ses répercussions sur le milieu de travail a été conçu pour les employeurs, les superviseurs et les employés. Reconnaître les signes de facultés affaiblies, comprendre les implications des tests de dépistage de drogues et élaborer une politique globale en matière de facultés affaiblies sur le lieu de travail vous aideront à relever les défis liés à la légalisation du cannabis.
From $12.50

Le verrouillage et l'étiquetage

Ce cours de formation en ligne Le verrouillage et l’étiquetage a été conçu pour les gestionnaires des ressources humaines, les responsables de la sécurité, les chefs de service, les gestionnaires sur les lieux, ainsi que les employés ayant un poste de supervision dans tous les secteurs d'activité. Ce cours décrit les différents types de sources d'énergie, explique les règles générales de verrouillage et d’étiquetage et fournit les compétences de base nécessaires pour effectuer correctement les procédures de verrouillage et d’étiquetage.
From $14.50

Lead Safety Awareness

This Lead Safety Awareness online training course was designed for employers, managers, supervisors, and workers in construction and other industries where workers may be exposed to lead. This course explores working safely in lead-contaminated areas. This course will discuss how to work safely in lead-contaminated environments and recognize the ways in which workers are exposed to lead.
From $14.50

Legionella Awareness

This Legionella Awareness online training is designed for employees who maintain building water and HVAC systems, as well as those who may be exposed to water mists or sprays at work. Legionella may be present in buildings’ water systems, and if left untreated, can expose workers to the bacteria and the diseases they cause. This course provides an overview of what Legionella is, the places where, and conditions under which Legionella can multiply, health risks associated with Legionella exposure, as well as Legionella control and elimination methods.
From $9.50

L'équipement de protection individuelle (EPI) – Générique

Ce cours de formation en ligne Équipement de protection individuelle a été conçu pour les employeurs, superviseurs et travailleurs du secteur de la construction et de l'industrie en général. Plus d’un quart des blessures causant des invalidités surviennent à la tête, aux yeux, aux mains ou aux pieds. L’équipement de protection individuelle ou ÉPI, vous protège de nombreuses sources de danger qui ne peuvent être éliminés de votre milieu de travail.
From $14.50

Les échelles – en toute sécurité

Ce cours de formation en ligne Échelles en toute sécurité a été conçu pour les employés en milieu de travail ou toute personne utilisant une échelle. Chaque année, un grand nombre de personnes subissent des blessures en utilisant des échelles de façon inappropriée, au travail et à la maison. Ce cours présente les principes de sécurité applicables lors de l’utilisation des échelles en milieu de travail.
From $14.50

Lockout Tagout

This Lockout/Tagout online training course was designed for HR managers, safety managers and department/site managers, and supervisors in all industries. This course will describe the different types of energy sources, explain the general rules of lockout tagout procedures, and gives you the basic knowledge required to correctly and effectively complete lockout tagout procedures.
From $14.50

Machine Guarding

This Machine Guarding online training course provides an overview of the types of mechanical motions and actions that can be hazardous. This course will teach you how to assess their risks, recall the different types of machine guards and safeguarding devices and methods, and how to outline the legal requirements for safeguarding. OSHA’s standard regarding machine guarding from 29 CFR 1910, Subpart O.
From $14.50

Manual Material Handling and Back Safety

This Manual Material Handling and Back Injuries online training course is designed for workers, supervisors, and managers. Manual material handling (MMH) involves the moving of material by hand through lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing, pulling, shoveling, or any combination of these actions. This course explores how the back works and discusses the causes and prevention of MMH injuries.
From $14.50